Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Random Quizzes - 25

Match the thief with the object stolen and
from whom it was stolen (9 Questions)

1. Ahab (1 Kings 21:14-15) ...........................................

2. Jacob (Gen 25:27-34) ..............................................

3. Achan (Josh 7:20-21) ..............................................

4. Absalom (2 Samu 15:6) .............................................

5. Jehosheba (2 Kings 11:2) ..........................................

6. Rachel (Gen 31:19) ................................................

7. Shishak (2 Chro 12:9) .............................................

8. Micah (Judg 17:1-2) ...............................................

9. Nebuchadnezzar (2 Kings 25:1, 13) .................................

List: A, Object stolen

A) Joash, B) gods, C) birthright, D) bronze pillars, E) silver, F) vineyard,
G) treasures, H) hearts, I) plunder
List: B, From whom

a) Jerusalem Temple, b) the royal palace, c) Mother, d) Naboth, e) Esau, f) Athaliah

g) Jericho, h) David, i) Laban

1. F, d; *** 2. C, e; *** 3. I, g; *** 4. H, h; *** 5. A, f; *** 6. B, i; *** 7. G, b *** 8. E, c

*** 9. D, a

10. Let a righteous man strike me, it is a (Psalm 141:5)

a) kindness
b) an outrage
c) a reproach
d) a sorrow

(outrage=an extremely violent or cruel act, reproach=a cause of disgrace)
Answer: a

11. In the one hundred and forty-fourth Psalm, David compares,
the pillars carved to adorn a palace will be like our (Psalms 144:12)

a)sons, b)daughters, c)brothers, d)parents

Answer: b

12. In describing God's control of the weather in Psalm 147, the Psalmist does not refer to (Psalms 147:8, 16, 18)

a) winds, b)clouds, c)snow, d)thunder

Answer: d

13. Wealth gotten by dishonesty (Prov 13:11)

a)earns interest, b)destroys health, c)dwindles away d)implies crafty or trickery

Answer: c

14. Why did Prophet Agabus take Paul's Belt?

Answer: To explain the prophesy how Paul would be bound in Jerusalem.
Acts 21:10After we had been there a number of days, a prophet named Agabus came down from Judea. Coming over to us, he took Paul's belt, tied his own hands and feet with it and said, "The Holy Spirit says, 'In this way the Jews of Jerusalem will bind the owner of this belt and will hand him over to the Gentiles.' "

15. What did Philip say to overcome his brother Nathaniel's disbelief that Jesus was the Messiah?

Answer: "Come and see".
Jn 1:46 "Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?" Nathanael asked.
"Come and see," said Philip.

16. What did Ezra devote himself to, after he arrived in Jerusalem?

Answer: Ezra 7:9 He had begun his journey from Babylon on the first day of the first month, and he arrived in Jerusalem on the first day of the fifth month, for the gracious hand of his God was on him. 10 For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the LORD, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.

17. How do we know that the gospel is free to all?

Answer: Because Jesus Christ, like the light, reaches all, "that all through him might believe".
John 1:7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. 8He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. 9The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.

18. Jn 1:10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Who are here meant by, "his own"?

Answer: The Jews.

19. What great change takes place in us when we truly believe?

Answer: We become new creatures in Christ, even "sons of God".

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
Jn 1:12Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

20. True or False. In both the Old and New Testaments, the first accounts of visits from angels are to women.

Answer: True, Hagar and Mary.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


16 Quizzes

The meaning of the term assassination:
1. murder of a public figure by a sudden violent attack;

2. The destruction of somebody's reputation by malicious or treacherous means.
eg. character assassination by - attack, backbiting, backstabbing, belittlement, blackening, calumny, defamation, defamation of character, defilement, denigration, depreciation, dirt, dirty politics, disparagement, gossip column, juicy morsel, last-minute lie, malicious defamation, malicious gossip, muckraking, mudslinging, mudslinging campaign, name-calling, political canard, revilement, roorback, scandal, scandalmongering, slander, smear, smear campaign, smear word, tidbit, vilification, whispering campaign.

3. murder = execution, slaying - unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by a human being; is a kind of homicide; the crime of killing another person deliberately and not in self-defense or with any other extenuating circumstance recognized by law.

The language of Scripture distinguishes less clearly than the modern law between assassination and murder.

The prohibition against killing is all-inclusive, even to suicide, placing the ban not only on deliberate, purposeful slaying (Ex 21:12,14,18), but on all endangering of life through negligence (Dt 22:8) or recklessness (Lev 19:14) or hatred, anger and revengefulness (Lev 19:17).

Punishment of the Act: The Mosaic law presupposes the punishment of all killing of human beings on the ground of Gen 9:6, and repeatedly reiterates it (Ex 21:12,14; Lev 24:17,21; Nu 35:33; Dt 19:11).

The reason assigned being that man is made in the image of God. Hence to slay a man is paramount to lifting the hand against the Creator. And while the degrees of guilt are not indicated by the language, they are closely distinguished by the punishments prescribed. Not only notorious enmity against the slain and deliberate lying-in-wait on the part of the murderer (Ex 21:13; Nu 35:20; Dt 19:4,11), but also the nature of the instrument was taken into account to determine the nature of the crime(Nu 35:16).

Laws prohibiting killing (Deut. 27:24).
"Cursed is the man who kills his neighbor secretly."
Then all the people shall say, "Amen!"

Each of the 8+8 = 16 people given below(Right Column) were assassinated. Match the killer(s) on the Left Column with the victim.

A. Joab (2 Sam 18:14)................... a. John the Baptist
B. Cain (Genesis 4:8)................... b. Abel
C. Herod (Mat 14:10).................... c. Pekahiah
D. Jehu (2 Ki 9:33)..................... d. Jezebel
E. Jael (Jud 4:21-22)................... e. Absalom
F. Pekah (2 Ki 15:23-25)................ f. Sisera
G. Jehoiada (2 Ki 11:15-16)............. g. Joash
H. Jozacar & Jehozabad (2 Ki 12:20-21).. h. Athaliah

A--e, B--b, C--a, D--d, E--f, F--c, G--h, H--g.

I. Menahem (2 Ki 15:14)...................i. Shallum
J. Ehud (Judg. 3:15-22). ................ j. Amnon
K. Joab (2 Sam. 3:27).................... k. Joash
L. The sons of Rimmon (2 Sam. 4:5-7) .....l. Ish-bosheth
M. Absalom (2 Sam. 13:28,29)..............m. Eglon
N. Joab (2 Sam. 20:9, 10).................n. Amasa
O. His servants (2 Kin. 12:20)............o. Abner
P. His sons (2 Kin. 19:37; Isa. 37:38)....p. Seacherib
Eglon, by Ehud. Abner, by Joab.
Ish-bosheth, by the sons of Rimmon. Amnon, by Absalom.
Amasa, by Joab. Joash, by his servants.
Seacherib, by his sons.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Random Quiz - 24

1. Why did Cain, the farmer son of the first couple, killed his brother Abel?
He was jealous when God chose Abel's sacrifice over his.

The Bible does not explain why Cain's offering was rejected. But God urged Cain to do what is right.
Gen 4:7, "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."

2. When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, "I am God Almighty. Then God made an unconditional and everlasting covenant with Abraham. What was the token sign of the covenant?

Genesis 17:10 This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: "Every male among you shall be circumcised".

At the Council of Jerusalem in AD 50, Peter and the Apostles ruled that circumcision was not needed as a requirement for Christian converts, on the grounds that the new covenant had now superseded the old.

3. God destroyed Sodom because of its fierce:
a)homosexuality, b)greed, c)contempt(=a powerful feeling of dislike),
d)inhospitality(=lack of hospitality)

Answer: d.
In a nomadic society, where settlements were often few and far between, the obligations of hospitality were strict. It was a solemn duty to feed, clothe, and house strangers. Lot felt so bound by this rule that he was willing to sacrifice his two daughters to the mob in order to protect the strangers. But the custom of Sodom seemed acceptable to assault and rob strangers. For this crime Sodom and its sister city were destroyed.

4. The Angel who was about to destroy Sodom kept hurrying Lot to flee, even taking him by the arm when he hesitated. Why did the angel do that?

The angel couldn't destroy the town until Lot was safe. By some judicious bargaining Abraham extracted from God the agreement that he would not destroy the city. Thereby angels were clearly under instructions not to destroy Sodom as long as Lot- the only righteous man in the place- remained.

Gen 19:16-24 When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the LORD was merciful to them. 17 As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, "Flee for your lives! Don't look back, and don't stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!"

18 But Lot said to them, "No, my lords, please! 19 Your servant has found favor in your eyes, and you have shown great kindness to me in sparing my life. But I can't flee to the mountains; this disaster will overtake me, and I'll die. 20 Look, here is a town near enough to run to, and it is small. Let me flee to it—it is very small, isn't it? Then my life will be spared."

21 He said to him, "Very well, I will grant this request too; I will not overthrow the town you speak of. 22 But flee there quickly, because I cannot do anything until you reach it." (That is why the town was called Zoar.)

23 By the time Lot reached Zoar, the sun had risen over the land. 24 Then the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the LORD out of the heavens.

5. Why there are two sets of Ten Commandments between Catholics and Protestants?

In the Bible, the Commandments are not numbered. In the Orthodox and Protestant Churches, the prohibition against false worship is given as the first and the second Commandments, but in the Catholic and Lutheran Churches it is contained in the first. The subsequent Commandments are therefore numbered differently, with the prohibition against coveting split into two separate Commandments by Catholics and Lutherans to reach the number ten.

The first version follows Origen from the 2nd century, the 2nd version follows Augustine from the 4th century.

6. What were the first angels mentioned in the Bible doing?

Holding flaming swords.
Gen 3:24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden "cherubim and a flaming sword" flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

7. How many angels have personal names in Scripture?

Three. a)Michael, the archangel(=chief angel)(Dan 10:21,12:1,Rev 12:7) b)Gabriel(a high ranking and an angel of power)(Dan 8:16, Dan 9:21, Lk 1:11-20,Lk 1:26-38) and c)Lucifer, who became Satan (Isa 14:12-15). This name is commonly ascribed to Satan, yet a misapplied name for Satan.
(Many Jewish and Christian traditions about the angels have no biblical support.)

8. True or False. There is nothing in the Bible to suggest that angels were once human beings and then elevated to angelic status.

Answer: True
Angels are spiritual beings of a special class, who were created by God. God created angels before he made the material universe (Job 38:7, Col 1:16).

Heb 1: 7 In speaking of the angels he says, "He makes his angels winds, his servants flames of fire."
14 Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

9. Fill up the missing word.
Is 20:3 Then the LORD said, "Just as my servant Isaiah has gone stripped and barefoot for __________ years, as a sign and portent against Egypt and Cush.

Answer: three

10. On what occasion did David utter these words:
The God of Israel spoke, the Rock of Israel said to me: 'When one rules over men in righteousness, when he rules in the fear of God, 4 he is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth.'

Answer: on his deathbed (2 Samuel 23:3-4)

11. While David was anointed with oil by the Prophet Samuel, the writer of Hebrews says that God has anointed Jesus with the oil of what?

Answer: The oil of Joy (Hebrews 1:9)

12. Fill up the missing words.

Jesus asks each one of us, just as He asked the disciple Peter, the question given below, when he denied Him 3 times:
"Do you ___________ me?"

Answer: love (Jn 21:17)

13. The Supremacy of Christ
15He is the image of the invisible God, the _________________ over all creation. 16For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. 17He is before all things, and in him _________ things hold together.

Answers:firstborn, all (Colo 1:15-17)

14. As Christians, we should look forward each day to Jesus' coming. As Paul writes,

7Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly _________ for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. 8He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the __________ of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Answers:wait, day (1 Corin 1:7-8)

15. Long before Jesus was born on earth, He was destined to fulfill many OT prophecies. Among these was Isaiah's declaration,

10 In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the ________________ will rally to him, and his place of rest will be glorious.

Answer: nations (in KJV "Gentiles" is used)

16. God promised to send His Son, one who would fulfill all that was written about Him. The writer of Hebrews says,

God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to ___________, we who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged.

Answer: lie (Hebrews 6:18)

17. Whom did Jesus advise, "no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."

Answer: Jesus Teaches Nicodemus (Jn 3:1-3)
1Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2He came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him."

18. "Warrior's sharp arrows, with burning coals" shall be the penalty for(Psalm 120:2-4)

a) lustful eyes, b) a grasping hand, c) a deceitful tongue, d) arrogant elbows

Answer: c

19. "Like arrows in the hands of a warrior" are (Psalms 127:4)

a)water-courses of the Negeb, b) mountains around Jerusalem, c) enemies at the gate,
d)sons born in one's youth.

Answer: d

20. How good and pleasant it is, like precious oil poured on
the head, running down on the beard, when (Psalms 133:1-2)

a) the insolent are laid low
b) tribes dwell in unity
c) nations dwell in unity
d) brothers live together in unity

(insolent= boldly rude and disrespectful in speech or behavior)

Answer: d