Saturday, April 26, 2008

Random Quiz - 9

1. Who led the people across a temporarily divided Jordan River?

2. Who made the head of an Ax float in the Jordan River?

3. Who was fed by ravens?

4. According to Acts 12, who was rescued from prison by an angel of the Lord?

5. Which idol could not survive when placed next to the Ark of the Covenant?

1. Joshua, (Jos 3)
2. Elisha, (2 Ki 6)
3. Elijah, (1 Ki 17)
4. Peter
5. Dagon, (1 Sam 5)

6. The 31st psalm is an appeal for,
a)rescue; b)forgiveness; c)bounty; d)credibility

7. The 32nd psalm is an appeal for,
a)rescue; b)forgiveness; c)bounty; d)credibility

8. In the 35th psalm David asks that his enemies be,
a)forgiven; b)reformed; c)identified; d)put to shame

9. The 37th psalm does not promise the righteous man will,
a)inherit the earth
b)not have his posterity cut off
c)enjoy life after death
d)in days of famine be satisfied

10. In which epistle did Paul refer to Satan as "the God of this world"?

6. a (psalm 31:2-15)
7. b (psalm 32:1,3-5)
8. d (psalm 35:4, 26)
9. c
10. 2 Corin 4:4

11. According to the NT, where is the final place for Satan?

12. Where in the Gospel, Jesus refer Satan as "the prince of this world"?

13. To whom did Jesus send the message?, "The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor".

14. Besides those of Korazin, the citizens of what other 2 cities are cited by Jesus as refusing to repent of their sins and believe in Him?

15. While 7 is considered the perfect number, Jesus tells Peter that we should forgive those who offend us not 7, but how many times? (Matt 18:22)

11. The lake of fire and brimstone (Rev 20:10)
12. John 14:30, 16:11)
13. John the Baptist in prison (Matt 11:4)
14. Capernaum and Bethsaida (Matt 11:21-23)
15. 70 times 7 (KJV and Malayalam O.V)
I prefer these 2 translations. This means forgive infinite times. 7^70 = 7 to the power of 70. ie. 7 X 7 X 7 X 7 X 7 X ...... 70 times like this which is
= 1.435036016 X 10^59. This is a huge number. Forget about forgiving, this number is probably unable even to count. This is a 60 digit number. 1435036016 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000. You can call this number in American System, 143 Octodecillion+, or, in a British System it is below a decillion(10^60). So it is humanly impossible to keep a tab of this huge number of forgiveness in a human lifespan. So can we mean this principle as, forgive always?

Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.(KJV and BSI Malayalam O.V.). BSI Malayalam O.V. = Bible Society of India Malayalam Original Version.

Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.(NIV)
This means 77 times, (a cardinal number 70 plus 7, Roman symbol is LXXVII.

Some people think it is 7 X 70 = 490.
Some others even think it is 70^7 which is = 8.23543 X 10^12.

16. Of the "7 last words" of Jesus on the cross, what is considered the 7th?

17. To whom did Jesus first appear following His resurrection?

18. Who was Ruth's first husband?

19. True or False. Animals also have to answer to God. Gen 9:5

20. What did Noah see in the sky? Gen 9:11-17

16. "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit" (Luke 23:46)
17. Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joanna. Mark 16:9-11; Jn 20:11-18; Lk 24:13-32.
18. Mahlon (Ruth 4:10)
19. True
20. A rainbow

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