Saturday, December 13, 2008

Women of the Bible - Introduction & List of Women

Let us look at the lives of 54 out of 197 women of the Scripture, some are prominent and some are not so prominent. All these women offer a fresh perspective on the story of salvation. The cast of characters include prostitutes, evil queens, prophetesses, wealthy women, abused women, single and married women, and widows-young and old. Their stories reveal so much about God's love, his relentless jealousy, and his creative ability to bring good out of the most desperate circumstances.

We are going to look into the stories of 37 women from the Old testament, and 17 women from the New Testament. In this discussion the Scripture doesn't say the names of 10 women of OT and 5 women of NT. Though we are familiar with many names of Bible women, many of us fail to recognize many women of the Bible.

I am going to give below all the 54 names alphabetically but the Topics are published in somewhat order of admirable and prominent characters among the Bible women.

Try to identify,
a)their location in the Bible
b)a brief account of the story.

Then you can go through the Questions & Answers on each woman, Topic by Topic.

1. Abigail, 2. Anna, 3. Athaliah, 4. Bathsheba,

5. Deborah, 6. Delilah, 7. Dorcas, 8. Elizabeth,

9. Esther, 10. Eve, 11. Gomer, 12. Hagar,

13. Hannah, 14. Herodias, 15. Huldah, 16. Jael,

17. Jehosheba, 18. Jezebel, 19. Joanna, 20. Jochebed,

21. Leah, 22. Lot's wife, 23. Lydia, 24. Martha,

25. Mary of Bethany, 26. Mary of Magdalene, 27. Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

28. Michal, 29. Miriam, 30. Naomi, 31. Pharaoh's Daughter,

32. Potifar's wife, 33. Priscilla, 34. Queen of Sheba,

35. Rachel, 36. Rahab, 37. Rebekah 38. Rizpah,

39. Ruth, 40. Salome, Mother of the Zebedees, 41. Sarah,

42. Shulamite Woman, 43. Shunamite Woman, 44. Syrophoenician Woman,

45. Tamar, Daughter of David, 46. Tamar, Daughter-in-Law of Judah,

47. Widow with the Two Coins, 48. Widow of Zarephath

49. Wise Woman of Abel, 50. Woman of Endor,

51. Woman of Proverbs, 52. Woman of Samaria,

53. Woman with the issue of Blood, 54. Woman who lived a Sinful Life.

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