Saturday, March 15, 2008

Random Quiz - 4

The following 6 questions are about "Saints on sinners' Payrolls".

1. What church in Greece received greetings from believers worked in Caesar's Household?

2. What upright young man was ruler over the whole province of Babylon?

3. Sergius Paulus, who became a Christian was the deputy of what island?

4. What Jewish man served as an honored official under Ahasuerus of Persia?

5. What Roman centurion of Caesaria was a godly man?

6. The saintly Obadiah, a friend of the prophet Elijah, was the palace steward of what very wicked King?
1. Philippi (Philippians 1:1, 4:22)
2. Daniel (Dan 2:48)
3. Cyprus (Acts 13:4-7)
4. Mordecai (Esther 10:3)
5. Cornelius (Acts 10:1-2)
6. Ahab (1 Ki 18:1-16)
Next 6 questions are on Doves.

7. What did the dove do when the dove was sent out from the Ark, 3rd time?

8. Why did the psalmist want wings like a dove? (Ps 55:6)

9. Who said, he mourned like a dove and his eyes failed with looking upward?

10. Whom did Jeremiah tell to dwell in the rocks and be like the dove?

11. Whom did Hosea say, was like a silly dove?

12. Whom did Jesus tell to go out as harmless as doves?
7. It did not return. (Gen 8:12)
8. To fly away to rest.
9. Hezekiah (Isa 38:9-14)
10. Inhabitants of Moab (Jer 48:28)
11. Ephraim (Hosea 7:11)
12. The Twelve (Mat 10:5,16)

13. According to the Israelite Law, if a man was found to be lying with another's wife, what action to be done for this marriage violation? (Deut 22:22)
a) this woman should be made divorced and this man should marry her
b) this man should die
c) this woman should die
d) both should die

14. The King of Bashan was, (Ps 135:11)
a)Ag; b)Eg; c)Ig; d)Og

15. The psalmist is bitter in 137th Psalm, because the captors of the Israelites,
a)refused to let them sing the songs of Zion
b)themselves sang the songs of Zion
c)compelled them to sing a song of zion
d)were not aware of the songs of zion
13. d
14. d
15. c

School of fools (3 questions):
A fool in the Bible is not just someone lacking in intelligence. A fool is also someone lacking moral sense, someone who won't observe the difference between right and wrong. The Bible's main message to such people is not just, "Be smart", but "Behave".

16. Complete this verse: "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no_______".
(Ps 14:1)

17. According to Jesus, when a man says, "You fool" to someone, what is he in danger of?

18. According to Ecclesiastes, what resides in the lap of fools?

19. Where is the New Heaven and New Earth mentioned?

20. Which book talks about the Last Judgement?

16. God
17. Going to hell (Matt 5:22)
18. Anger (7:9)
19. Rev 21 and 22
20. Rev 20:10-15

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