Saturday, March 8, 2008

Who is the perfect person in the Bible, the top selling Book?

The Bible is a very unique Book and it is the top selling book always. The separate and combined world sales of Old Testament and New Testament have been 100 million every year lately. Why does the Bible have so many readers?

The Bible is the history of God's activities and His peoples' responses. It deals with actual people in an actual geographical area during actual specified historical times who had contact with other actual peoples and empires whom we know of from sources outside the Bible. Knowledge of the historical background is essential to any serious reader. The characters of the Bible are similar to the people of any other book. But the difference is, God personally talks, calls, order, guide, guard, instruct, rebuke, chastise, forgive, or listen to these regular people and made them very special. These things make the readers inquisitive.

Abraham is a patriarch, born 4000 or more years ago, the key figure in Israel's history, New testament's prime example of faith, and father of 3 major world religions-Jews, Islam, and Christians. But isn't that the same Abraham who was willing to have his wife sleep with someone else, if it will save his neck.? Anything happened? No, the covenant continues. Isn't that Jacob, the patriarch Israel, who deceived his father to get his blessings? David was a harpist, psalmist, skillful warrior, Israel's greatest, commanding, the ideal king who whole heartedly loved the Lord, even earned a title "a man after God's own heart", and the model for God's Messiah who was to be born of David's family line and ultimately to rule God's never ending kingdom. Wasn't he the same David fell prey to gross sin of adultery with Bathsheba after wickedly used his power to kill Uriah , her husband? Peter publicly pronounced the good news on Pentecost, and later died a martyr's death. But isn't that the same Simon Peter who took the coward's way out by denying Christ when a very important witness hour was needed?

Aren't we all at some point in our lives, compromisers like Abraham, liars like Jacob, wicked like David, cowards like Peter? Where is the perfect person among us? He or she doesn't exist. But in the Bible we find that all this imperfection is for a purpose. Perfection was promised and perfection did hit the world. Isn't that the Bible, a book with a thousand heart beats and it pulsates with life like these?

This book, the Bible, is the place where the human and the divine meet, where they speak to one another, clash, irritate each other, and fall in love. Don't you feel that such a book is a great one, don't you think, you want to read such a book? That's why this Book has been and continues to be the the top seller of the world. So regardless of the route, by play or by prayer, it is recommended to earn it and learn it. Wecome to "The Book" and have fun.

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